
Showing posts from November 24, 2024

Sick again, part deux

 I was sick on October 26th. Stuffy nose, cough, just feeling kind of blah. Guess what? One month later and I'm sick again. It started on Sunday when I was feeling so good when I woke up. I ran to the store and got some Zicam because I was determined not to be sick again. I was wrong. Monday I was really tired. Tuesday I lost my voice. By the end of the day I literally had no voice at all. Yesterday, thank god we were off school, I still had a raspy voice but I felt great. This morning I woke with a slightly more stuffy nose and a cough. UGH!!! I still feel pretty good, just this ridiculous cough. This sucks big time. Not letting it get me down. I need to get some things done today and I'm doing them.  As for my business. I came up with a great, at least to me, idea of using Hawaiian quilt designs in things. I love Hawaiian quilt designs. I just had an idea as I'm sitting here, making earrings out of them with a small outer offset. Paint the offset whiteish and paint the de...

Still struggling with what to do next

 Seriously. I have so many courses and so many things I want to do before January that I am not sure exactly where to start. I really need to put the things I need to do in order of priorities. Either that, or I need to schedule when I will do certain things and just do it. Become indistractable. Tangent time.  I listen to Mark Manson of The Subtle Art of not giving a f*uck fame. I like his ideas and the way he approaches things and I feel like his way of doing things is much more aligned with my way of doing things. Just f*cking do it or don't. Of course lately I've been doing a lot of flip-floping on what to do so maybe that's not me lately. Anyway, I digress... I was listening to him the last two days - his shows are long - and he had this guy on who wrote a book called how to become indistractable and get sh*t done. He had some really good ideas on the show which he goes into in far greater detail in the book. So I ordered the book. It will be here soon. I plan on readi...

Time for a little mental gymnastics

 I seem to do a lot better typing things out here when trying to figure them out. Probably because I've been doing it for over 20 years, but who knows.  Okay, here's the deal. I want to have hit the ground running in January with my business. I've screwed around for long enough, 2 years, and need to get my act together. But there is still so many things I need to learn. I just went though my list and here is a list of things I really still need to learn:  Shopify Social Media Photography Illustrator File designing/selling Selling on Etsy Pinterest Procreate Okay, that's basically the overview. I have signed up for a number of courses to help with all of these but I haven't finished them. So I need a plan to get these all done and get my Etsy shop in order and get Shopify back up and running and get my social media skills and photography skills on point. Not a lot to ask to accomplish in a month. So I need a plan. A solid, no BS plan to get this all done by the end o...