Sick again, part deux
I was sick on October 26th. Stuffy nose, cough, just feeling kind of blah. Guess what? One month later and I'm sick again. It started on Sunday when I was feeling so good when I woke up. I ran to the store and got some Zicam because I was determined not to be sick again. I was wrong. Monday I was really tired. Tuesday I lost my voice. By the end of the day I literally had no voice at all. Yesterday, thank god we were off school, I still had a raspy voice but I felt great. This morning I woke with a slightly more stuffy nose and a cough. UGH!!! I still feel pretty good, just this ridiculous cough. This sucks big time. Not letting it get me down. I need to get some things done today and I'm doing them. As for my business. I came up with a great, at least to me, idea of using Hawaiian quilt designs in things. I love Hawaiian quilt designs. I just had an idea as I'm sitting here, making earrings out of them with a small outer offset. Paint the offset whiteish and paint the de...