
Showing posts from October 13, 2024


 I think that is what is going on with me. Let me explain......... I returned to school yesterday and I just did not want to be there. Like big time, not want to be there. Felt like I was done. Just completely and totally done. Got there this morning and it felt even worse. I did not want to be there, I did not want to teach chemistry to apathetic teenagers, no!!! I talked about it with my admin a bit and they are so supportive it's awesome. I told her I didn't want to be here and she said, let's get a sub.... Awesome. But I stuck it out and actually had a good day. At the end of the day I stopped by my admin and told her I had a good day. As we were talking I mentioned that I suffered from depression and it kind of hit me, is that what is happening? Could I be depressed? The more I thought about it, the more I think it is possible. As I look back on break week, I had some symptoms they just didn't register. At the beginning of break, I was very lazy and did not feel li