
Showing posts from October 6, 2024

Seems to be working

 my big 3 that is. Every morning, yeah doing it at night hasn't happened, I write down the 3 (or 4) things I want to accomplish that day. Most days I've been doing it. Most days I've been doing more which is even better. It's not perfect but it's a good start.  Today is Saturday and I go back to school on Monday. I'm not completely sure how I feel about that, but it is what it is. I need to get some things done today for school because I plan on taking tomorrow off from everything. We might be having some friends over to watch football but even if we don't, I'm not doing anything. So today I need to finish up the laundry and get things ready for school so I can ignore everything tomorrow.  I've been moving a lot too. Walking the canal in the mornings and doing some strength training in the afternoons. I'm feeling it and I like it. I can feel the muscles in my legs and arms and back and it feels awesome. I'm going to fight hard to keep this go

20 years

 I just went back to my first post for the fun of it, I do that from time to time, and I noticed the date on it - September 26, 2004.       Twenty years.....Twenty years......My god..... How much has changed in that time? Well, I was living at Kualoa Ranch in a house on the beach at that time. I had graduated college and been working in the lab for a couple of years. Things were so different. Parties on the porch, hanging on the beach, it was definitely a different time and place and I was in a different headspace. Wow!! I like to read through these old posts and see what was going on. Sometimes I was very cryptic and I don't remember what was happening. Must have been important at the time since I blogged about it, but in the overall scheme of things, it clearly wasn't that important.  Nice to have a chronicle of my life like this. 

Some small victories

 Since my last butt kicking post, things have been going fairly well. I've been walking the canal every morning, granted it's only been 3 mornings but that's better than sitting on my butt. On Tuesday I did a strength workout before I had to pick Hubby up from the airport. Yesterday I did not do an afternoon workout as we had plans. We went to dinner and a haunted tour of the brewery we love to go to. That was fun. This morning I got up and went for a canal walk. I know once I return to school on Monday I will not have time for a morning canal walk but I'm trying to figure out how to squeeze something in. I would love to do a short Supernatural workout, I enjoy those and the music gets me going. Which I think means I will need to get up at 4am instead of 4:15. It's really not that big a deal as I usually wake up at 3:45ish anyway. It will just be a matter of getting out of bed and getting moving. If I can get everything done before I wake Hubby at 4:30 then I can ju

Time for some tough love - again

 I have to be careful with the things I say to myself because sometimes I fall for my own bullsh*t.. And I think that is what has been happening lately.  I say that I want to lose weight. I moan about my stomach fat. I cringe about how weak I am. Yet I really do nothing about it. Nothing. I have been off since Friday and one of the things I said I was going to do is get the exercise routine set. Have I? NO!!!!! I have not worked out once since Friday. I've only walked the canal twice and I have no good excuse for that. Yesterday I cleaned out the workout room because it gad gotten cluttered and there really wasn't room to work out. So I cleaned it up, dumped a bunch of stuff and got it ready to go. Did I workout? NO!!!!  You know what I have done over the break so far? I have watched a lot of tv. A. Lot. Of. TV. I have worked on my classes for my business, so that's good. I have done a lot of sitting around. I need to change that.  So, this is me calling myself on my BS. GE

Still jumping around

 in my business that is. Okay, this post is about a lot of things so let's begin.  First, we are on fall break. This came at a time when it was greatly, greatly needed. I had just about reached my breaking point at school and so it was time to take some time off. Yay for breaks.  Second, Hubby is in San Fran for the weekend. Woo Hoo!!!! He left early Friday, and I mean really, really early. We had to get up at 2:30am to get him to the airport on time. And he will be back Tuesday afternoon. It has been nice here, I'm getting a lot of things done but I'm still jumping around from thing to thing. More on that later.  Third, did I say it was break? Oh, yeah, covered that.  Okay, on to the topics at hand. My last post was how I need to step back and refocus. To figure out what I'm going to focus my business on and stick to it, at least for a while. I feel like I am all over the place. I have wood art. I have engraved mugs. I have resin dominoes. I have games. I have ........