
Showing posts from September 8, 2024

I go through phases

 just like the moon. I'll be really on it and doing thing well for a while and then something will happen, or nothing will happen, and I will become not so productive. I will think I am on a roll, then boom, I run into a wall that I struggle with. So two weeks ago I was feeling good and walking every morning and things were feeling great. Then, boom, I went back to school and things started to fall apart. I still walk when I don't have school, but that's not enough to keep me energized and help me lose weight. So I've decided that it's time for come to Jesus meeting with myself. Here goes....... What do you really want?  Okay, there are two things that I really, really, really want. Those are a mildly successful small business and to work out regularly.  I say mildly successful business because I don't want to be working my butt off on a side business when I retire. I want to just keep busy but be able to travel, workout, do the things I want to do. So mildly su