
Showing posts from August 25, 2024

I took a walk

 This week was a little crazy. I had to take off 2 days for medical things. First, I took off Monday because I had a teeth cleaning. Now that doesn't sound like much but considering I got dealt a terrible hand in the teeth genetics department, it was absolutely necessary. I probably could have taken half a day, but I figured why rush around when I can take the whole day. So I did. I did use it to my advantage and got some grading done, so Yay!!!  But then I also had to take Thursday off. This was for a nuclear stress test on my heart to see if there are any blockages. This was a no brainer, definitely taking a day for that. The test was interesting. They injected me with an ion that can binds to heart muscle and allows them to x-ray the muscle. I sat in a chair with my arms up on a shelf and the chair rotated as it took pictures. Took about 9 minutes for all the pics. Then they took me and hooked me up to a EKG and injected me with a drug that caused my heart to work like I had bee