
Showing posts from July 7, 2024

Start where you are at

 A large part of my problem with workouts and my weight, etc., is the fact that I used to be really hardcore. I tell people I used to be an athlete because that's the easiest way to describe it. I was hardcore. I used to workout twice a day. I would get up in the morning and go for a run in the park. Then, after a long day at the lab, come home and either swim in the ocean or do a weight workout. Weekends were reserved for long workouts; bike rides or runs. It would not be uncommon for me to ride from the ranch to Kailua to a meeting on Saturday morning, then home again. Easily 20+ miles. Or I would take my car to the meeting and then do a 6 mile loop around Kailua. Since I was never fast, that would take me an hour - an hour and a half. So yeah, I used to be really hardcore. Why is that a problem now? Because I have a tendency to compare myself to who I was then. First, I was easily 50 lbs lighter and I was 25 years younger. A very different person than I am now. That doesn't


 I have a pretty fabulous life. I really do. Especially when you consider the way I started out. Everyone was sure I'd end up dead. But somewhere along the line, I got my act together and really do have a pretty fabulous life. I have a job that I really like, most of the time, and I feel like I'm making a difference in the world. My bosses are amazing as people and as bosses. I have never worked for people that made it such a pleasure to work there. And I get paid decently for it. I'm married to a man who has put up with all my nonsense over 35 years, and lord there has been nonsense. I never thought I would be married for that long because they were all losers. I have a house that I really, really love. We've been able to make the backyard just what we want and I love it. I've managed to make it to 65 without any major illnesses or injuries. Yes, I'm getting a lot more aches and pains lately but I think that has to do with my lifestyle. So things are good. Real