
Showing posts from June 30, 2024

I've fallen into the summer pit

 I thought I was going to avoid it this year because I had my business to focus on. But I didn't. So I started the summer great. Had a list of things to get done (a lot of which I have completed) and tons and tons of motivation. I was walking every morning and feeling great. I really thought this summer would be different. Then, slowly, very slowly, things began to change. I would have days were I didn't do anything. I was okay with that because everyone needs a break. But then I would find myself cruising Facebook when I was supposed to be working. As soon as I had a down moment, I'd jump on Facebook. Now sometimes it was legitimate, I was looking for something. But most of the time it was not. I was just killing time. That gradually led me into doing less and less and less. Now I feel like I'm on the verge of a depression. I don't feel motivated to do much of anything. I've put things off that are fairly easy to do. I'm in the middle of 4 different project

Imposter syndrome

 Heard a great speech the other day about how women are made to think they have imposter syndrome. Society says women should be X, Y, Z and when you are not you don't know what you are doing and that leads to imposter syndrome. It made sense even though I'm not explaining it correctly.  I got my first Etsy sale and am getting ready to ship it out. I am struggling because I feel like an imposter. How am I good enough to sell this stuff to people? What if they don't like it? What about the slight difference in color that apparently only I can see? What if... What if... What if.... The truth is I made it to the best of my ability. Is it perfect? No! Is it good, really good? Yes. This person saw it and bought it. It's going to look exactly like the picture in my ad so that's a good thing. Today I am shipping it out and letting it go. I just need to get over myself and hope for the best.