
Showing posts from June 16, 2024

I'm done

 I fall into old habits pretty easily. I guess because they are something I'm used to even if they don't really work for me anymore. They are comfortable. They are familiar. And they are easy because I've already mastered them. But I'm tired of them. I mean really, really tired. So I'm trying to convince myself to be done with them. At least some of them.  I have been focusing on losing weight for so much of my life and I'm really, really tired of it. I don't think a day has gone by that I haven't thought about food or working out in the past 40ish years. I'm tired of it. Yet when I look back on pictures of myself, I really haven't changed my body in all that time. I've been hardcore workout person and still had the same basic body. I've been super strict on my food and still had the same body. So the lesson I think is that, this is my body. I'm not going to be able to change it a whole lot now.  So, rather than focusing on weight los


  Motivation is not the cause of action, it is the result. You want to be motivated? Get up and go do something. - Mark Manson How many times do I have to learn something? I know this. I know this really, really well. And yet it took getting an email from Mark Manson and reading this for me to go - "doh, of course!" I know that doing one small thing can lead to doing bigger and bigger things. But lately I've been sitting around waiting for motivation to strike. I find myself saying, I don't feel like doing that. So what if I don't feel like it. It's got to be done. So I need to be more like Nike and Just Do It!!!!!  This helps a lot, it really does. I find myself lately making my to-do list or deciding my big three for the day and then not following through because I don't feel like it. Well, time to stop feeling and time to start doing. I will make my lists and figure out my big three every day and I will get them done. Then I will slowly chip away at m