
Showing posts from June 2, 2024

The "easy" way out?

 So my health plan hasn't exactly been going as planned, but it's been good. I have been going to the gym, so that's good. I have been walking, so that's good. I have not been doing Supernatural, that's not good. I raised my desk but then lowered it again. And 10,000 steps has not happened every day. Maybe I was too ambitious with all those goals. Maybe I need to scale it back a little. I've been good with the gym and walking, so let's continue to focus on those and add the others in as I can. Normally I walk the canal from Dorsey to McClintock and back. But on the days I don't go to the gym I'm walking from Dorsey to McClintock to Rural to Dorsey. I call it the double canal. Except for today. Today I am not walking at all because I have a super early doctors appointment. I like early appointments because there is less chance of them running late first thing in the morning, but it messes with my workout plans. At least it's not a gym day. So ther

A little more tough love

 So my tough love from the other day worked. I've been focusing on my business for a few hours every day and my Etsy store is just about ready to open. The goal is to get it open today. I can do that with some dedicated effort. So that has really worked out well. After I get the Etsy store open, I'm switching my focus to Amazon and getting that thing up and running. But that's for later in the week.  Today I want to talk about my health. And my real lack of attention to it.  I got my Lumen in March. It is now June. That means I have had my Lumen for 3 months. Has anything changed in that time? NO!! I started the Aloha Challenge in April. Has anything changed since then? NO!! So I am all talk. 'I'm gonna do this....and I'm gonna do that....and this will be great' blah, blah, blah. I don't have any follow through. WTF????? I am home for summer break. I have been for 2 weeks and I will be for a few more weeks. This is the perfect time to really work on the