
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

Time for a little tough love

 for myself that is.  So my side business. I have not been able to get it off the ground. I put in some effort and then it fades out. I have these ideas of things I should do, but then I don't follow through. So it's time to get real and get serious with this thing.  Let's face it, I love to create, I don't love to do marketing. But I know that marketing is necessary. I have to get the word out there. I have to promote my products. I have to let people know that I have things for sale. So it is established that I must do marketing.  Earlier in the week I made great strides on my Etsy store. I got it set up with pictures and everything. But then I got to listing products and lost all momentum. I tried to do a little bit today but that fell flat. Then I spent all day creating. I am working on earrings and I love making them. I cut them out of wood and then paint them and seal them in resin. So I like to create, I hate to market, but I have to market. Okay, how to handle t


 When I started Crossfit 12 years ago, I quickly discovered the Hero workouts. These are workouts that are named after people for various reasons. One of the is Murph. Named after Lt. Michael Murphy who lost his life in Afghanistan. He had a workout that he loved to do and that is the workout we now call Murph.  1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 squats 1 mile run It takes 45ish minutes to complete (if you can run the mile) and it rather brutal. It is now traditionally done on Memorial Day. Well, that was yesterday and guess what my gym did? Murph! Now I haven't done Murph in 10-11 years. And I'm not in the shape I was then. So I chose to do what is called the broken version. It's not as far running and you break the movements up into 10 rounds. In 44 minutes I got through 5 rounds. I was not disappointed at all. I was happy I could do any of it and I look forward to getting stronger and being able to do more next year.  I've also been walking in the mornings. We

I think I've recovered

 from the school year. I have not been very active since Thursday. I've been doing some things but nothing that required a great deal of activity or thinking. Yesterday Hubby went to a friend's Memorial Day party and I stayed home. I played with my laser for a little bit trying to get the full wrap cups down. Then I laid in the pool for like hours just reading. I finished a book I wasn't too sure of and ended up liking it a lot. Then I played with my laser a little more. Just not very productive. So I think I've relaxed enough, though I will still be doing a lot of that, and time to get down to business. I want to get my courses in order and I need to figure out these freaking cups. I need to get my Etsy shop up and running and yeah, the list goes on and on. But that's okay, I'll just keep working through it and get it done.  I don't really feel like writing now, so I'm going to end here. I'm going to go workout in a few and then come home and dig in