
Showing posts from April 28, 2024

Days go slow, years go fast

 this is never more true than at the end of a school year. This week flew by even though the days and classes dragged. But, another week down. Only 3 weeks left in school and I could not be happier.  Earlier I had things I wanted to write about, but now I'm drawing a complete blank. It seems I really don't have anything to say. So I guess I won't. 

Knowledge is Power

 For me that is super true. Once I hit on the limiting beliefs on Saturday,  it was shock and awe. I was in shock that I had let that creep into my life again, but I was in awe of myself that I figured it out. Once I was aware of it, I set about destroying it. For example, at the gym yesterday, not once did I think to myself I couldn't do something. A few of the moves I had to find the way I could do them, but not once did I say  "I can't do this".  In fact, I did think it once and immediately shut it down and did whatever it was. Now this does not mean it is gone or I am over it, not by a long shot. As clearly evidenced by the fact that it came into my life again. So it is something I need to be cognizant of and work on to keep out of my life. I also think I have to start looking at what other things have creeped back into my brain. I don't want to be that person. I want to be the person I am or that I know I can be.  As for the rest of the day. The soreness from