
Showing posts from April 21, 2024

Been a rough week

 I need to start paying more attention because I think there will definitely be a pattern if I had all the data. I have weeks where I am just wiped out, that was this week. I was completely exhausted all the time. I would wake up and feel good and then by 9am I am yawning. Driving home I'm falling asleep at the wheel and I just lay on the couch all evening. Last night my eyes burned and I could hardly keep them open. This happens every once in a while and I'm not sure if it's what I'm eating or my workouts or what, but I really do need to figure it out. Because when those weeks hit, I'm just wiped out. It's hard for me to do anything. Maybe it's hormones, I don't know but I need to keep track of things to figure it out. One thing I did discover is that my body is getting used to having food. On Wednesday night, Hubby made some dinner with some meat he had smoked that I didn't like initially and I like it even less the second time around. So I really