
Showing posts from March 10, 2024

Post doctor conversation thoughts

 So on Friday I spoke with my doctor. And it was much as I imagined it would be. The best thing I can do for my health, including my high A1C, is to lose some weight. So I need to do that. Much like I wrote in the last post, I just need to do it. I need to move more. Even after my awareness and outlining how much I sit, I still sat most of Thursday and yesterday. I need to move more, absolutely no doubt about it. The doctor suggested that I take a walk for30 minutes, 5 times a week. Then also add in some weight training and some higher intensity workouts a couple of times a week. Which then led me down the rabbit hole of considering my workout choices. I've been going to the gym, though not consistently, for a few months now and doing some pretty strenuous hiit workouts. That led me to thinking, am I doing too much? Should I not be doing the HIIT? Maybe I should start slower. Focus on walking and doing some strength workouts at home? But then I think, I won't follow through wit

I have to admit, I don't know what to do

 Okay, that's not entirely true. I know what to do, I struggle with the how . I went in to the doctors for bloodwork on Tuesday. They contacted me later that day to say my my blood sugars have been borderline the last couple of readings and they wanted to send the blood out for an A1C test. That test gives you an average of your blood sugars over a couple of months. Well it came back yesterday in the prediabetic range. So now I have to meet with my doctor this morning to discuss what to do next. I know what I need to do, I need to move more. I know that's my real problem. I don't move enough. My average steps for the last month is only 4500. That's not even 5,000 a day. That is pathetic. I sit here at this desk or at my craft table most of the day. I can sit for hours and hours. Then, once I'm done in here, I move out to the couch and sit there for a few hours. That's not good. The weather is perfect for getting outside and yet I spend most of my break sitting

Day 1 was a success

 So I created an ongoing list of things I need to do in Keep. Here is what it looks like:  I checked off 7 things yesterday. Yay me!!!  The best part is that I don't feel the pressure of a timed schedule. I don't feel forced to do something because it says I have to do something for an hour. For example, one of the items on my list is to work on large business sign. Well, that involves a few steps, including creating a useable SVG to cut. So last night I investigated a website that supposedly lets you make SVGs easily. I tried it and it is pretty easy. But I discovered that my Silhouette Design Studio lets me do mostly the same things and so I don't really need it. I am however, going to download some file from the other place to use.  Anyway, it was a good day 1. I'm hoping to have continued success with this. I guess to do that I will really have to work it. 

Time for some more introspection

 Last post was truly eye-opening. I am the type that has to know the why of things. I can just do for a while, but eventually I have to know and understand the why or I can't keep doing it. Not sure that makes sense to anyone but me, but it makes perfect sense to me.  With that revelation, I have realized that I need to tackle this fear head on. I need to do things where I don't know what I'm doing. I need to have a goal without knowing how, or if, it will work out. I need to push myself. But to do that I need a plan. I've spent so long floundering around with this business that I'm not sure I know how to actually push it forward. But I've got to try and figure it all out. So a plan is a must. I was just thinking to myself that I should set a schedule, especially since we are on spring break this week. But then I realized that I don't do well with schedules. I work better with to-do lists. At least in my personal life. I still have a habit of doing things wh

Some tough love

 But before we get to that, an update on the arm/hand situation. I think I figured out what I have. Cubital tunnel syndrome. That is basically a compression of the ulnar nerve in the upper arm that causes numbness in the fingers. Boom! Now I know what it is. I also got some exercises to do to glide the nerve. The only real treatment is rest, exercise, and surgery if it doesn't get better. So I am basically a medical sleuth.  On to the tough love. I have been giving this 'business' of mine a very half-hearted approach. I have not touched my website in weeks. My social media posting is sporadic at best. I have not signed up for any shows. Really? How am I supposed to make a success of this thing with this work ethic? I need to be all in if I'm going to make this work. But to do that, I need to figure out exactly what I'm going to sell. I am so all over the place with product, I don't even know where to begin. I do have a rescue fair that I am considering. That wou

Update from last post

 It was an interesting weekend.  Turns out my knee pain was very temporary. On Friday morning I put some Voltaren on them and then took Mavy for a walk. By the afternoon they felt fine. So that was just a temporary setback.  My arms/hands are a whole story in themselves. I mentioned they would go numb but it was far more than that. Especially my left arm. My hand would go numb and then it would feel like it was on fire. I could not figure out a way to hold it where that wouldn't happen. Sometimes if I stretched it out, it would be better. Sometimes if I kept it slightly bent, it would be better. But nothing lasted for long. It would always come back. Friday night, Hubby asked if I wanted to sit in the hot tub. I said yes, because I thought that might help some. I was seriously wrong, it actually made it worse. But I did discover where the pain was emanating from. It was coming from the inside of my arm, right above the elbow. I could press there and be in excruciating pain. At leas