
Showing posts from March 3, 2024

We made it

we are officially on spring break. Yes!!! I have things to do, but at least during spring break I can do them in my own time. Yes!!! I have a few things on my mind this morning so let's jump right in. First are some physical issues. My knees are killing me. They are incredibly painful. It hurts to walk or stand or sit or lay down. It is miserable. But if I do keep active, standing, walking, etc, eventually they start to feel better. Hmmm? I don't know. I'm leaning towards arthritis but in both knees to the same degree, at the same time? Seems a little sketchy to me. I'm also leaning towards the fact that it might be my weight. I am at the heaviest I've been in a while and I'm exercising quite a bit. I'm trying very hard not to jump or run or create any jarring movements on my knees, but last night I did jump twice off high boxes. So yeah, there's that. Then I have this numbness going on in my hands/arms. This is really bothering me. My hands will go, n

And now it's Sunday

 We have one more week and then spring break. The break will be nice.  Yesterday we went to the Oddities & Curiosities Expo. It looked interesting but it was not what I expected. It was basically a craft fair of weird stuff. Eh, it was fun. After we went to Huss Brewery for lunch and that was nice.  The best part of it was that it was just nice to get out. We have spent the last few months holed up in the house. We go to the store and out to lunch occasionally, but that' s about it. It was nice to actually get out in the public and do something. Need to work on that more. It was kind of funny though getting ready. We are in the season where it is cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon, and there may or may not be a wind blowing that will be chilly. So how do you dress for that? Also, this time of year I end up with tons of laundry because of all the clothes changes because of the weather. Can't wait for summer when I live in my bathing suit and dress. Boom! Done.  So fo