
Showing posts from February 25, 2024

Another Week has gone by

 It was a good week and there is only one more week until spring break. Yes!! I know that it is not the best thing to be so looking forward to the breaks and weekends like I do. I really do enjoy my job and I need to focus on that more. My job just got a little more enjoyable this week as one student who was a complete and total pain in the a*s dropped out. Thank God. Seriously. He changed the entire vibe of the classroom. He was a complete jerk. He thought he was cute and charming and he wasn't. He would go around talking to other scholars when he was supposed to be working on something. I had to sit him alone to get anything in class done. Anyway, he's gone and things have gotten so much better in that class.  I made it to the gym on Monday. Tuesday I came straight home. Wednesday I forgot my gym clothes. And yesterday was open house so I didn't get home until almost 9pm. So I did not have the great week at the gym that I had last week. But that's okay. The road to su