
Showing posts from February 18, 2024

Doing hard things

 Lots of people stress the importance of doing hard things. They say it builds character and helps you build confidence in yourself. And it is true. I feel like a rockstar when I do something that was hard or big in my mind. When I finally tackle something that has been bothering me. I feel awesome. The problem is that hard things are a moving target and once you do a hard thing, say something you've been avoiding, things like that are no longer hard. For example, I've been avoiding getting my stuff up on Amazon handmade because I have imposters syndrome about the stuff I make. I don't feel I'm good enough and I feel like there are people a whole lot better than me at it. So I dragged my feet and pretended that I didn't know how to do it (I say pretended because Amazon literally walks you through it). When I finally got it up, I did feel like a rockstar. Now I want to list another thing and it's just a oh, well, get it up kind of thing. So now what is the next h

My work schedule

 is arguably one of the best on the planet. Sure, lots of people have better but a whole lot more have worse. Much. Much. Worse.  I work from 7:30 - 3:30 four days a week. That's it. 8 hours a day. 32 hours a week. That's it. And yet I complain that I don't have time. Seriously. I do get up early, 4:30, and I'm out of the house by 6am. I like to get to work a little early so I'm not rushed - I've always been that way. And I do stay a little later frequently to get things done. But still. I work 4 days a week. There was time when I worked from 7am to 5pm. And I didn't complain then. Well, a little bit. Anyway, the point here is to be grateful for the fantastic hours that I have and to not whine so much about working. I am tired. Teaching is tiring business. And I do go to bed early. But lord, I work 4 days a week. I really only have to go to bed that early 3 days because Sunday nights I'm usually rested up and Thursdays I can stay up as late as I want. So

3-days later

 We painted the parking spots and it was kind of fun. Mine is thrown together literally at the last minute. I was painting my spot to do something else and had a brilliant idea and boom, I went with it. Done. It's not great, but it's done.  I was so, so tired on Friday. I did not want to go paint spots, I wanted to stay home and lay on the couch. But I did. We stopped at Four Peaks for lunch and I had a beer which led to a nap in the afternoon. That was nice.  Saturday morning I was up early and in my room making stuff. I've altered the designs on a couple of things and am playing with them. It was a working day all day. Got lots of stuff done.  Sunday, yesterday, was a little slower. Still did a lot of work, but also spent some quality time on the couch. Hubby went out to lunch with a friend so I had some peace and quiet.  Did a lot of work on my website this weekend. A. Lot. Got a bunch of items listed and I think it looks good. Still have some stuff to do and I'm goi