
Showing posts from January 28, 2024

The definition of insanity

 is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Well, that's what I've been doing. I've been whining and moaning about how I don't have time for my business. How I'm so, so busy during the week. How I have to go to bed so early and get up so early and I just have no time. How I need to workout and that takes even more time. Yet, I have time to sit on the couch, most nights, and watch about 2 hours of TV and play games on my computer. I have time to scroll Facebook/Instagram endlessly and look at the same posts over and over and over and over. I am done. First of all, the whining and complaining has to stop. I have 24 hours in a day just like every other person on this planet. We had a saying in college, want something done, ask a busy person. And it was absolutely true. When I am super busy, I am also super organized and on it. So, taking all of the above into account, it's time to be real with myself.  Facebook/Instagram scrolling has t

Yesterday was better

 I went in with an attitude of getting things done. I got some grading done. I got the tests that first period took graded right after they took the test. I still have a giant stack to grade, but at least it's all organized and ready to tackle. Then I came home last night and made a keychain for Cameron for tonight. So I feel a lot better about things overall. I'm bringing some work home this weekend because I need to get ahead and not just keep up. But definitely feeling better.  A week or so ago these guys knocked on my door at like 5pm. I have a habit of just blowing them off when they come trying to sell something. So I opened the door, he asked if I had my roof inspected, and I led him to believe that we had just moved in. He then told me that if we had a wind storm he could get our roof replaced by our homeowner's insurance, handed me his card and left. Hmmmm, okay. When Hubby got home I mentioned it to him and he reminded me that we had  a shingle blown off - it was

Time to suck it up

 I have been letting my emotions/feelings/whatever run my life lately and I don't like it. I have done almost nothing with my business since the last craft fair. My school life is spinning out of control because I don't feel like grading (news flash, I never feel like grading). I have only been to the gym once in two weeks. I feel like absolute crap. It's time to suck it up and stop acting like I'm a child. My desk, both here and at school, is pile with sh*t that I need to deal with. I am over it completely. Time to get my act together and start acting like the adult I should be.  Things I absolutely need to do:  Get my grading caught up at school Grade the tests they are taking today in a very timely manner (have it done by Monday even if that means bringing it home) Clean off this desk here and get things put where they belong.  Make something for Cameron - tonight!!!! (I've put it off so long I now have to rush it tonight) Get my website back up and functioning.