
Showing posts from January 21, 2024

Back to our regularly scheduled program

 School is back on full time and that means I'm a little busy during the week and can't get here. Yesterday we had to take Mavy to get fitted for his brace. Then we had a guy come over and help us file a claim with our homeowners insurance for room damage during the big wind storm we had a while back. If it all works out, and I'm still unsure of it, we will be getting a new room and having the insurance pay for it. That would be awesome and we would basically be done with the house. Oh, we would need to get it painted, but then we would be done. So as I said, I'm still on the fence about this working, but the guy seems really sure he can pull it off. I mean it was damaged in the storm and we could definitely use a new roof, so yay???? Mavy got his brace yesterday. I think it's fair to say he hates it. But he can absolutely walk well in it and get around easily. He'll get used to it.  I do have something that is bothering me and I'm a little unsure as to exac

Manifesting what I want

 I've heard a couple of times over this weekend about manifesting what I want. You can't get/do/be something if you don't truly believe that you can. I've decided that is my ultimate problem. I don't truly believe that I'm good enough to have someone pay me for this stuff. So I need to change that. I need to believe in myself. I need to trust that I can do these things as well, if not better, than someone else. So it's time to put that into practice. I have kind of begun already by logging everything I am doing while trying to make these coaster things. But you know what? I don't really like those coaster things. If I was super honest, I would have to admit that is not what I want to make. I want to make suncatchers. Those coaster things are nice, but definitely not what I want to make. So maybe it's time to drop them, or put them aside, and work on what I really want to work on - suncatchers. I think it might be time to be honest with myself about w