
Showing posts from January 7, 2024

Well, it's been a week

 We went back to school on Monday after Christmas break. I actually had a pretty good week. Being prepped and having everything planned makes a huge difference. But, I am already behind on my grading and will need to work on that. I should be able to get everything graded on Wednesday when we get back.  So yeah, we have a 5 day weekend this weekend. Woot Woot!!!! But, I feel myself falling back into old patterns already. Good things first.  First, I have been logging my food all week because I need to get a good handle on what I eat. Yes, it counts calories, but I'm more concerned that I get a consistent amount of food every day. I feel that is going to be more important than the actual numbers. And if I'm using the same numbers it should be comparable.  Second, I went and worked out twice so far. Coming right from school is actually easier than I thought it would be. I don't give myself options, I just go. I stay at school until 3:45 and then head out. That gives me some t

What makes me feel heard?

 Being heard to me, means that someone is not only listening to what I say but they are really understanding it, or trying to understand. They are paying attention to what I say and they are present in the moment with me. They acknowledge what I am saying without criticism or judgement. They respect what I have to say and they take my ideas into consideration. They validate what I am saying.  For me, being heard means that I need to respect the person I am talking to. I need to feel a connection to them, even if it's only for the moment. I need to feel a meeting of the minds, not necessarily agreement, but mutual respect.  Feeling validated from someone with strong, differing opinions is difficult. I don't feel heard if someone blows off what I have to say. I don't feel heard if someone shakes their head while I am talking. I don't feel heard if someone talks over me. I don't feel heard if someone is so caught up in their own opinion or story that they can't eve

Last day of break

 Here it is. Sunday. I return to school tomorrow. It has been a good break. I got a lot done. But more importantly I got my head back on straight. I'm definitely feeling better.  Today will be a little busy. I have to finish up some school stuff and I want to make some resin things. I may even cut some stuff. I also need to do some laundry and get ready for tomorrow.  I thought I had a lot to say, but actually I don't. So I'm going to leave this here, short and sweet, and start working on my school work so I can spend most of the day doing what I want to.