Yesterday was good

 I got a lot done yesterday. I completely redid one of my storage areas. I took out some shelves Hubby had built and I bought some metal shelving at Ikea and put it in there. It looks a lot nicer and it's easier to see what I really have. It is less storage space so I'm going to have to make some decisions about a few things. But it's shaping up nicely. I was able to shift some things from the shelves by my work table to the new shelves and that allowed me to get some stuff off my work table and on to my shelves, which freed up space on my work table so I can actually work there now. Yes, things are shaping up nicely. I am still going to shift some things around a bit to make room. Yeah, it's starting to shape up nicely. 

I ended up ordering some wood, exotics no less. I want to work with them a little. I have some ideas for some of the designs I have and I want to see how they work out. I need to step outside my comfort zone with these things and make them my own. I need to let my creativity loose. 

Which makes me think. Why can't I let my creativity loose sometimes. There are times where I have absolutely no creative ideas. Other times they just flow like crazy. Why is that and how do I get them to flow all the time? I know that I can be a very logical, precise person, but sometimes I need to just let it go and run with ideas. Oh well, I guess I just have to keep on working on it. 

We went out to lunch yesterday, that was nice. Haven't done that in a while. We also swung by Hobby Lobby because they were supposed to have acrylic sheets. They didn't. But what I did get hung up on was the stained glass. They have glass there and take and all the stuff you need to make stained glass. All I need now is to learn to do it. So I did contact a studio near me to see about classes. We'll see what happens. Just what I need, another freaking craft. 

Alright. Today is about learning and making. I'm going to work on my Etsy course and make some stuff while I do that. So excited. 


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