Things never stick the first time

 I swear they don't. I came to the realization that I need to be myself. I need to do things my own way if I'm going to make them stick. Then I immediately began overthinking things. Second guessing myself. Questioning if I what I'm doing is right. Now I'm back at the point where I realize I just have to do it. Just do it. I'm going to post things. I'm going to make mistakes. Some are going to bomb completely. Some will get some traction. What is going to happen with every single one is that I'm going to learn something. If I can look at this as an experiment, what happens if I post this kind of content? What happens if I post this kind of content? Approach this like a scientist instead of a social media guru. The bottom line, with every single person I've listened to or read, is that you have to be consistent. That is the absolute, single common denominator in all these people messages. Be Consistent!!!!! Every thing else if from their point of view or what worked for them or how they see the world or whatever. Okay, so let's start at the bottom. Let's be consistent for a month and see what happens. Let's post every kind of media, every single day for a month and see what happens. Every single day I can go in and look at the stats and see how those posts did. Every week I can do the same thing for the posts that stay around. I can then do it at the end of the month and see what patterns I notice. It really is not rocket science, it's a basic experiment and lord knows I can do that. It just hit that this should be easy for me. We are running experiments, changing variables, then analyzing data. I can do this. I can do this all day long. What the hell am I so worried about? Why am I letting this get to me? Okay, definitely feeling better. In most things, it really is how you approach them and the angle you look at them from. I'm just going to look at this from the point of view of an experiment and see what happens. Damn that makes me feel so much better. Seriously. I'm off to get things scheduled so that I can start seeing the data. 

Update: I did it. I have the whole week scheduled with posts and stories. Now  all I have to do is a reel everyday. This is a test to see if I can actually do it. Is it sustainable? Is it practical? I have time in my day to stop and create something, the thing is do I have the mental capacity to get it done every single day? We shall see. Wish me luck. 


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