I really can take things too far
The other day I came to the realization that I can only do myself. I can't be anyone else. I can't follow anyone else's plans. I have to be myself. And honestly, that's the way to make it in social media, be yourself. And I started in that direction. I wrote a blog post for my website - something I've been doing for 20 years. I came up with some ideas for posts. I roughed out a plan that would work for me. Mondays would be blog promotion. Tuesdays would be engagement posts, ask a question, do a poll, etc. Wednesday would be new product information. Initially that would entail just the products that I currently have, but as time goes on I hope to have my own stuff to highlight. Thursdays would be a kind of before and after, behind the scenes, that kind of stuff. The magic behind the curtain so to speak. And Fridays would be fun days. I'd talk about things that happened during the week, or something cool I saw or did, things like that. That makes sense to me and it is something that I think I can do for awhile. Then yesterday, I started rethinking everything. Do I really want to do that? I had AI write my blog post. Twice. And I'm still not happy with it. I'm rethinking all my post ideas. Seriously. I've got to get a handle on this. What I need to do is just get it done and scheduled and then leave it alone. Just leave it alone. From what I've noticed on social media - and lord knows I'm no expert - but people catch on by being themselves. By doing what they enjoy and that authenticity comes through. That's what I need to capture. Not someone else's ideas on what I should be posting. But I need to be authentically me and that will resonate with people. It will.
What I seriously have to do though is make some content for next week. My posts officially pick up again on Monday, until then I'm just posting whatever, and I need to have those posts ready to go. So today will be cutting some things on my laser and getting those posts ready to go. I want to have things all set for next week. I also need to get my store finished for the exciting new relaunch. So I will be busy on the computer today and that's okay.