Christmas is over
I don't know, I'm just not a fan of Christmas anymore. I think it's gotten to the point where it's too big, too commercial, too family, too loved ones, too whatever. I don't know. Maybe it's just me. It probably is.
Anyway, I've been working diligently on my social media stuff for the last couple of days. It is hard for me but I've come to the realization that I have to do what works for me. I can read all the gurus who tell you to have content pillars, engaging posts, limit how much you push product, blah, blah, blah. I have to do what works for me or it all feels phony. So I'm just going to post. Just post. Every day. Just post. I'm going to work on building my consistency and from there I'll work on building my 'content pillars' whatever the hell they are. I came to that realization the other day and I keep losing it. I have to remind myself to just post. I'm going to push my blog, not this one, I'm going to push my website, I'm going to push my products. I 'm going to talk about things I do and see and experience and I'm just going to be me. I can't be anyone else and I can't follow anyone else's rules. Okay, that's the plan.
Which leads me to AI. AI is a great tool for helping me write things. Seriously, I have been told more than once, that I write like a talk. Which may not be a good thing for ad copy. So I have been using AI to write help me write things. I think that is not a good idea. I think I need to write the things myself and then just have AI pretty it up. I did that with a blog post yesterday, but I think I'm going to revisit it yet again. There are some points I want to make and I'm not sure that I made them good enough.
Okay, I think I'm done for now.