Time for some tough love - again

 I have to be careful with the things I say to myself because sometimes I fall for my own bullsh*t.. And I think that is what has been happening lately. 

I say that I want to lose weight. I moan about my stomach fat. I cringe about how weak I am. Yet I really do nothing about it. Nothing. I have been off since Friday and one of the things I said I was going to do is get the exercise routine set. Have I? NO!!!!! I have not worked out once since Friday. I've only walked the canal twice and I have no good excuse for that. Yesterday I cleaned out the workout room because it gad gotten cluttered and there really wasn't room to work out. So I cleaned it up, dumped a bunch of stuff and got it ready to go. Did I workout? NO!!!! 

You know what I have done over the break so far? I have watched a lot of tv. A. Lot. Of. TV. I have worked on my classes for my business, so that's good. I have done a lot of sitting around. I need to change that. 

So, this is me calling myself on my BS. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!!!!

Okay, I have learned a few things these past few days though. Hubby has been in SF, he returns later this afternoon. And I've discovered a few things in his absence. 

First, living alone is not easy. You need to be very, very self motivated otherwise you spend time sitting on your butt. At least that is my experience. I was so looking forward to him being gone because then I could do all the things I wanted to do and not have to worry about him. But that's not the way it worked out at all. I found myself wandering around not really knowing what to do. I love to say that I really enjoy being alone, and I do. But I don't think I know how to do it well. 

Second, I need to have a plan to accomplish anything. I have a to-do list, which is awesome. But I really think I need a plan to actually get anything done. These past 4 days, I've had things to do, but because I really didn't have a plan for them, they didn't get done. I say I am a slave to routine, and unfortunately that's really true. I function best when I have a routine in place and stick to it. But at the same time, I can't be overly routinized or I rebel against the restraints. So maybe the idea of the top 3 things for each day will work for me. Do I really need a routine or do I just need a plan? Does it work to say, okay, today I'm going to accomplish this, and this, and this. Is that enough for me? Or do I need to have a detailed plan; shower, walk, breakfast, class work, clean, etc........   Which one do I need and which one works best for me? Of course, if I have the top 3, I kind of have a plan on how I'm going to accomplish them. In my mind at least, I think okay I'll do #1 after the walk, and I'll do #2 after lunch, and #3 will happen before dinner. Things like that. So maybe I just need to take my to-do list and pick three things from it each day and work on getting those 3 things done. I keep adding to my to-do list, so I'm confident I'll never run out of things to do. I like this idea. This is why I blog, seriously. I think what I will do is, every night as I'm sitting on the couch watching TV, I will look at my to-do list and pick out 3 things for the next day. Every day is different so some days I'll need 3 fairly easy things and other days I'll be able to tackle more complex  things. But as long as I keep up the 3 things every day, I will eventually get through my to-do list. Okay, I'm going to give this a real shot for the rest of the week. I'm off to grab my to-do list and my planner and set things up for today. 


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