Still jumping around

 in my business that is. Okay, this post is about a lot of things so let's begin. 

First, we are on fall break. This came at a time when it was greatly, greatly needed. I had just about reached my breaking point at school and so it was time to take some time off. Yay for breaks. 

Second, Hubby is in San Fran for the weekend. Woo Hoo!!!! He left early Friday, and I mean really, really early. We had to get up at 2:30am to get him to the airport on time. And he will be back Tuesday afternoon. It has been nice here, I'm getting a lot of things done but I'm still jumping around from thing to thing. More on that later. 

Third, did I say it was break? Oh, yeah, covered that. 

Okay, on to the topics at hand. My last post was how I need to step back and refocus. To figure out what I'm going to focus my business on and stick to it, at least for a while. I feel like I am all over the place. I have wood art. I have engraved mugs. I have resin dominoes. I have games. I have ............ Ugh!!! Stop. Also, that keeps me so unfocused and I can't perfect anything. So I need to draw a line in the sand and just focus on something. 

I am going to start another Etsy shop with designs. Now, I don't know how good I'll be at designing things, but I do have some ideas and if I knew how to design it would help a lot. So I'm in the process of taking two course simultaneously. One is to learn Adobe Illustrator - which is where designs are made by most folks. The other is how to scale an Etsy shop for designs. Yeah, I know, I really need to add another thing to my plate. But the point here is to make some money. So if designing is what does that, I'm all in. I hate to say this, but I think I need to step away from the resin for a while and focus on the business side of things. I have a lot made and I need to focus on selling them. I also need to get all my products listed on my Etsy shop. Should I have 2 shops? Or even 3? Should one focus on my cups, one on my wood, and one on my designs? Is that too much? Am I setting myself up for failure? I have a hard time keeping up with one shop, how could I possibly keep up with three? How would that work with the social media? Would I need another Facebook page/Insta account for each? Would I post all on one page? Hmmm, there is a lot to consider there. I may have to give it more thought. But right now I do have to clean up my Etsy shop. I have to devote time to it every day. I have to keep things rolling. I'm getting some sales here and there, which is a good start, I need to start generating consistent sales. 

So, so much to do and I need a plan of attack that will work. I feel so scattered and unable to focus. But when I focus on one thing I feel like I'm letting other things slip. UGH!!!  What to do? What to do? How do I keep all these balls in the air without them crashing down on me? Okay, I'm going to go shower and go for a walk. See if I can't meditate on these things and figure something out. 


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