Some small victories

 Since my last butt kicking post, things have been going fairly well. I've been walking the canal every morning, granted it's only been 3 mornings but that's better than sitting on my butt. On Tuesday I did a strength workout before I had to pick Hubby up from the airport. Yesterday I did not do an afternoon workout as we had plans. We went to dinner and a haunted tour of the brewery we love to go to. That was fun. This morning I got up and went for a canal walk. I know once I return to school on Monday I will not have time for a morning canal walk but I'm trying to figure out how to squeeze something in. I would love to do a short Supernatural workout, I enjoy those and the music gets me going. Which I think means I will need to get up at 4am instead of 4:15. It's really not that big a deal as I usually wake up at 3:45ish anyway. It will just be a matter of getting out of bed and getting moving. If I can get everything done before I wake Hubby at 4:30 then I can jump right into the headset. I'm going to give it a go on Monday. 

I have noticed that my legs are getting sore. I did notice yesterday that I was walking at a good clip on the canal. I usually don't rush, just walk. But yesterday I was going pretty good. Then I noticed that I could feel the muscles in my legs all day yesterday. This morning they were a little sore but I pushed it on the canal again. I kept up a pretty decent pace. At least I'm starting to feel something happening. 

On Monday I followed my macros exactly. I had AI write me a meal plan for the day that met my macros and I stuck to it. On Tuesday I woke up in fat burning mode. I actually woke up in fat burning mode on Monday morning too. Both days I hit my macros dead on and both days I woke up in fat burning mode. Both of the nights before I didn't have any carbs for dinner. Hmmmm...... I know that 2 days does not make a pattern, but.......... 

Anyway, a few small victories is better than none. Now I'm off to work on things.......


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