Time to get real

 I listened to Mark Manson the other day on how he lost a lot of weight and it really hit home with me. His main message was that you have to get real with yourself. You have to. You may think you eat well, but do you? The only way to really know is to track your food. You may think you are active, but are you? The only way to be sure to track your activity. You may think you are getting stronger and making progress in the gym, but are you? The only way is to track your workouts. So basically, his advice is track everything. And consistency. Consistency is the king. It really doesn't matter what workout you do or what eating plan you follow as long as you are consistent. Over the long haul, consistent. It was nothing I did not know, but something that I had let slip out of my hands. Time to get back to it. The eating is pretty good, not perfect but pretty good. I need to focus on the workouts. Last post I whined about how I don't have time between getting ready in the morning and spending some time in the pool at night and going to bed at 8pm. Well, to all of that I say bullshit. I'm done with excuses and am moving into ROBOT mode. I'm going to set a schedule for myself and I'm going to stick to it. That's it. No feelings. No emotions. No nothing. Just going to do it. Going to set a simple schedule and stick to it. Once that becomes engrained, I'll up my game a bit. I just need to do something. 

With that in mind, I keep saying that menopause is why I can't lose weight. As I think back, I realize that is a blatant lie. It's an excuse I am allowing myself so that my failures are not my fault. Again, I call bullshit. I went through menopause in Hawaii. When we lived in Laveen I lost 50 pounds. So that right there shows what a lie my current thinking is. Now when we lived in Laveen I walked. A. Lot. I walked to school. I walked home from school. I walked the dogs, morning and night. I easily got 10,000 steps a day and more on weekends. So I'm going to start there. I currently have a goal set for 7,500. I have not hit that goal in over a month, and it's been a lot longer than that. So let's start there. I pace my classroom a lot, I'll need to do it even more. I need to add some tricks to my daily routine like I used to with parking far away from the door, making extra laps around the store, things like that. So, I've said it before but I'm going to try again, I'll walk on the treadmill 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. This is something so easy that I don't completely understand why I'm not doing it. So starting today, 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. I also plan to start my stretching program again. I have a great room that I can do all my workouts in so it's time to really start using it. It is near my laser, so I can run my laser while working out and so be safe. 

I guess Mark made me see that I'm just really tired of the bullshit I've been feeding myself. I have the time to do what I want to do and it's just a matter of doing it. So for the next couple of weeks I'm going to have to push myself to do these things, but I know that it will become a habit quick enough. So time to stop the bullshit. 


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