31 August 2024

I took a walk

 This week was a little crazy. I had to take off 2 days for medical things. First, I took off Monday because I had a teeth cleaning. Now that doesn't sound like much but considering I got dealt a terrible hand in the teeth genetics department, it was absolutely necessary. I probably could have taken half a day, but I figured why rush around when I can take the whole day. So I did. I did use it to my advantage and got some grading done, so Yay!!! 

But then I also had to take Thursday off. This was for a nuclear stress test on my heart to see if there are any blockages. This was a no brainer, definitely taking a day for that. The test was interesting. They injected me with an ion that can binds to heart muscle and allows them to x-ray the muscle. I sat in a chair with my arms up on a shelf and the chair rotated as it took pictures. Took about 9 minutes for all the pics. Then they took me and hooked me up to a EKG and injected me with a drug that caused my heart to work like I had been hiking up a steep trail. It was weird to feel that while laying down on a table. But they took my blood pressure every minute or so for a few minutes, then sent me back to the rotating chair for another 9 minute picture. This will tell them if there is anything going on in my heart like a blockage or something. Fingers crossed all is well. 

On Monday I felt great and got a lot of grading done both before and after my appointment. On Thursday it was a whole different story.  I felt very lethargic and worn down. Now I did go to school 2 days in between, but that should not have worn me down that much. After Hubby left for work on Thursday, I ended up on the couch reading/napping for a few hours. I felt better after that, but never quite up to par. 

One thing that kind of hit me on Thursday as I was feeling lethargic is, I don't like this. I don't like worrying about my heart. I don't like feeling like this. I don't like feeling so tired during the week. I just don't like it. I have been holding off on much exercise because I was a little afraid of what was going on with my heart. But Thursday night I decided that I had had enough. Time to start getting my act together. If my heart has a problem, my weight and lifestyle is not helping it at all. So I decided to get up on Friday and walk. I was up by 4:45 and out the door by 5:30ish. I walked Mavy around the block, then I set off on a canal walk. It was early and it was gorgeous. I remembered why I love these walks so much. I also remembered that the one time I lost weight after menopause was with walking. Walking, walking, walking. I remember also that every time I have lost weight over my life, it has involved a lot of walking. So I am going to get back to it. I'm not sure how this will play out during the workweek. I don't get up early enough to get a canal walk in before work and it's still pretty hot in the evenings so I'm not sure about walking then. I can do some treadmill walking but that is boring and monotonous. But I will work on it. Maybe I will pool walk or bike for 30 minutes while Hubby exercises. Of course, we are nearing that point in the year where it is too hot to walk outside but too cold to stay in the pool long. So we will have to see. I could ride my bike too. I have that set up in the spare room and I could read while I do that. Owwww, that sound really, really good. 

Okay, have to run, time for my walk. 

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