End of the year

 and I am just so completely done. I'm not necessarily tired. I'm worn out. I'm worn down. My soul has been drained out of me. I'm just done. Unfortunately we have 3 more days of teaching to get through. But there is definitely an up side. I'm done with the seniors. That means no 2A or citizenship. So Monday I have a class from 7:30 - 9:00 and then I don't have anything else until 1:26. I have 4 hours free. I will have the same thing on Wednesday. Tuesday will be a regular day, but they are all taking finals so it will be very low key. So as weeks go, it's a pretty chill week. Wednesday night is graduation and once that is over, I will be essentially done with school. Thursday is the awards ceremony which I'm just attending and presenting at. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Can't wait until this is done. 

This weekend is a tiny bit busy. I have a doctors appointment and prom tonight. Then the rest of the weekend I have to get the stoles and the keychains done for school. They are not hard, just will take some time. I'll be working on those Saturday and Sunday. I want to get them done this weekend so I'm not scrambling during the week to finish them up. I want next week to be as calm and stress-free as possible. 

I will be going to the gym this morning and I'm looking forward to that. My attitude towards the gym is slowly shifting. I'm going when I promise myself I will go and I'm really enjoying the workouts. Pushing myself and starting to feel strong. 

I'm going to spend the summer focusing on my business. We have decided not to take our road trip this year. We are just going to stay home and relax. So that means all summer is focused on getting this business going. I'm determined to get this thing going. I don't know what I'm doing, but I plan on spending the summer learning what I'm doing. I want this thing to get going. I want to have orders, but not too many orders. I just need to get moving. I will be going through all the classes I have signed up for, thankfully most of them are videos so I can do them at my own pace. I will be mastering my laser, while I'm good at it, I want to be much, much better. And I am going to dive into Amazon. I know that this will be a real great thing, I just need to actually use it and push it. 

I will also need to map out a new course, marine science. That will be fun. So I need to figure that out and I want to map out my chemistry course better. I got quite far this year after a very rocky start. I figure with a solid map and plan I should be able to get even further. I also want to have everything mapped out so I don't have to spend time planning or figuring out what to do. I also want to have at least 2 worksheets for everything. One they will do and we will whiteboard, the other for a grade. I hate worksheets but I have yet to come up with a better way to get them to practice the skills. I want to have all the keys printed out so that I can make grading very, very easy. I want to make my life really easy next year, and for the next few years, and the best way to do that is to have everything prepped. It will take some work, but I have about 8ish weeks to get it done. I just need to be proactive and get it done. Can't let laziness set in. 

Alright, I'm good for now. Time to get moving. 


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