25 May 2024

And we are done.....

 School is over for another year. It was rough year and I'm not exactly sure why. What I do know is that I'm going to work over the summer to make sure that next year is not like that. 

So, the last week was brutal. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were spent on finals an prepping for graduation. Wednesday night was graduation. That was a long day. It started at 6am for me getting the chairs up on stage. The graduates arrived at 7:30 am and rehearsal began. That last until a little after 9am. Then I had some down time where I hoped to get my finals graded - and I did. Then there was lunch with the crew. 4th period came and we all headed down to the gym for clean up. They swept and mopped the bleachers and did some little things on the stage. It was good. 3pm came and school was over for the year. Yay!!!! But there was still a ton of things to do for graduation. I spent the next couple of hours doing those things and I hit a wall. I literally stopped in the middle of doing something and said, I'm done. I need food and to sit down for a few minutes. So I left and did just that. Ate and rested in my big comfy chair. The graduates were to arrive by 5pm. So a little before 5 I got dressed and headed down to the gym. Then it was just a matter of organization and getting everyone in their places when they needed to be. Once the program started, I could finally relax. It went well. We did some things a little different this time and it all worked out great. It was a fabulous evening and I was so, so happy when it was over. I ended the day with 17,882 steps. I think that is among the highest number of steps I've ever gotten in a day. 

The next morning was the awards ceremony. I just had to guard the door and then present one award, so it was a low key day for me. But it was still longish. The junior high was at 8am - that's where I guarded the door. The high school was at 10 - that's where I presented. Then we had to break down the gym and return it to normal. That actually didn't take too long. The PTO fed us lunch and then we were free to go. I did a little bit of stuff around my room and then called it a day. I was exhausted. I came home got in the pool and just sat on the step and relaxed. It was awesome. 

Yesterday I was exhausted all day. I got up, walked Maverick, walked the canal - I'm in a 100 mile challenge - and did nothing most of the rest of the day. It was awesome. I laid on the couch. I watched some TV. I snoozed. I read. I hung out in the pool. It was glorious. Today some friends are coming over and it will be another relaxing day. 

So this summer is going to be spent on my business. I'm taking a course on Etsy. I'm going to go through the other courses that I have and haven't finished. I'm going to learn some stuff this summer. I'm also going to design a new course - Marine Science. I'm excited about that, but it will take some work to get it set up. My goal for this summer is to get my business making money and to have my courses set up for next year so I don't have to spent time on the weekends figuring out what I'm going to do. I want to be able to spend my preps grading instead of trying to figure out what to do. So that will happen with some planning. And that's what I plan to do this summer, planning. 

Okay, time to get moving. Going to walk Maverick and then walk the canal. 

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