
Showing posts from December 31, 2023

Good for my mental health

 So I've been blogging almost every day since I started break 2 weeks ago. And I feel a lot better mentally than I did when I started break. I have gotten things done, though there is always still more to do, and I'm feeling much, much better about things overall. Blogging is good for my mental health as it allows me to get things out of my head. It allows me to dump things that are in there and process them or not. So I think I should make it a habit again. Maybe not every day but frequently. I tend to blog in the mornings but there is no law that says I can't do it at night. It's just at night I'm usually kind of brain dead and it's hard to think of things to say. Of course, if I just blog about my day that would work too. Okay, enough. I need to do it regularly and that's all there is to it.  So I discovered an interesting thing yesterday. It was supposed to be my day to photograph everything. I have PhotoRoom which allows me to take pretty ordinary pictu

The aborted Mt. Lemmon trip

 So we left for Mt Lemmon on Tuesday. The drive there was nice. We stopped for lunch in Tucson at this really nice place, Union Public House  They had a nice dog patio and it overlooked this really nice courtyard with a fountain. The food was good and it was nice.  Then we headed up Mt. Lemmon. Mt. Lemmon stands at 9,718ft elevation and it's a pretty steep, quick climb. It's 25 miles from Tucson and almost straight up. It's a very pretty drive though.  The cabin we rented was small, really small. The bed was in the kitchen. But it was nice. It also had a small, really small yard for Mavy to hang out in.  The cabin from the outside.  Inside the cabin. That's it.  Mavy's yard But overall it was good. It was really, really, really cold. I mean really cold. Like 25F cold. It was cold.  We got up yesterday morning and in trying to decide what to do, we looked at the weather. It said that it was going to start snowing around 11pm last night and continue until around noon

That overwhelmed feeling

 Yesterday ended up being a very quiet day. I worked in here most of the day and Hubby watched football. It was nice.  I did however try to tackle some of the things I need to keep on top of this year and got hit with the feeling of being completely overwhelmed and out of my league. I have often said that being an adult is making a series of decisions you are just not qualified to make. And I really feel that is the case with these two topics.  I'll tackle the easiest one first, and that is the budget. Now the budget is not hard unless you don't look at it for months and months. Unless you spend like you have tons of money and don't pay bills. That's what's been happening for basically this year, and now I have to clean up the mess of my foolishness. I've written before about how I really don't know how to handle money, it's not something I was ever taught. But you would think after all these years I would pick it up. Well, instead of being decisions I&#

The obligatory January 1st post

 I was just looking through my blog archives. I am a lover of new beginnings. I love the idea of a fresh start, a new way to look at things, a blank slate. The thing is, I can mostly make a new beginning anytime. It can be on a random Thursday or even in the middle of a day that may not be awesome. Anytime you set your mind to it, it can be a new beginning. So while I do have new beginnings all the time (sometimes hourly) I love the real new beginnings like New Years.  I've written a number of blog posts about the new year. I've talked about my goals and intentions. I've written about my word for the year. So this is not going to be like that. This is going to be about my mental state for the coming year.  Without even realizing it, I was completely stressed out the last few weeks of school. I only realized it after break started and the stress went away. As I started to return to normal, I experienced changes and I realized that I had been so stressed out it was quite lite

Goals for January

 So I sat down to fill in my planner and realized that I need some solid goals for January. I need to really think through what I want to accomplish in January and work towards those things.  So let's start with some bigger goals:  I want to have my business actually make some money. My goal was $500 a month, maybe I'll reduce that to $100 a month.  That means I need to actively promote my site and my stuff I need to up my social media game and become a real presence on there I need to figure out exactly what I want to focus on to sell and master that completely I want to workout 3 times a week for the entire month of January That means scheduling my workouts every week  That means actually going to the workouts regardless of how tired I am or how I don't feel like it I want to do the strength training sessions 4 times in January that means going and doing regardless of how I feel  I want to get the money under control and back on the track we were going that means looking

Blogging helps

 As usual blogging has helped me through my tough time. I can't just bottle stuff up inside of me, it makes me crazy. But talking with someone about some of the stuff in my head doesn't help either. I don't want a solution, I want to get this crap out of my head. Blogging to the rescue. I am feeling much, much better than I did a week ago. I've made some progress in things and I'm feeling like I have a handle on things now. It's not perfect, hello budget, but it is so, so much better.  Today will be budget day. It is New Year's Eve and I will be damned if I start another year with crap in my head. The last thing I need to get the budget straight. That will happen today. We have nothing to do today and football is on all day, so I plan on working on the budget, cutting some stuff on my laser, and working with the resin - I need to master that damn it. I'm also going to be working on some school work, but I really have that under control now so there isn&#