
Showing posts from December 17, 2023

First day of break

 The semester finally ended yesterday. I swear this was the longest 4 days on record. It was the longest semester on record. I left school at 3:30 pm yesterday with all my grades done and everything done. I was so happy to walk away from this semester.  I didn't get up this morning until 5am. It was wonderful. It started raining around 5:30am and they were predicting that it would rain all day. For the first time in I don't even know how long, I never showered or got dressed. I've been in my pjs all day. It has been amazing. I did some resin work. I sat on the couch and watched TV. I fell asleep on the couch. I worked on resin some more. Now I'm back on the couch watching TV. It has been an amazing day. It has been raining on and off all day and I have been loving it.  A few posts ago I wrote about how I was feeling so crappy and having difficulty breathing and just generally feeling horrible. After laying around today and not doing much of anything, I'm feeling gre

That time of the year again

 That time when I like to review the past year and set some new goals/plans for the new year.  So let's look back at last year and the things that happened.  I got my business going and I didn't quit on it. Believe me there were times when I wanted to, but I kept going and plugging along. I even took some steps to really grow it and that should all come to fruition in the coming year.  I let go of some things. I let go of the idea of taking anymore classes. I'm at the point where I am closer to the end of my career than the beginning and I think I'm done taking classes. That doesn't mean I don't want to still improve my teaching, I'm just not taking classes anymore to do that.  I didn't get as far as I'd hoped in my fitness journey. I think I'm in the right mindset to really tackle it, but yet I keep talking myself out of working out. Have to work on that some more in the new year.  The house is good. We did a ton of stuff to the backyard this ye

The gift that keeps on giving

 Is this cold or illness or whatever the heck I have. After last week, which I posted about a few posts ago, I felt okay. Still not great. Still not my old peppy self, but definitely okay. Then Wednesday morning I had an episode of shortness of breath. All week I felt like I could not take a deep breath, but Wednesday I actually felt short of breath. Thought of getting a sub and going to the ER, but decided to ride it out. Ended the day feeling okay, the shortness of breath had gone away. So that night I decided to pull out the big guns. Vicks Vaporub. I put that all over my chest before bed. I slept really well and woke up feeling pretty darn good. Did the same thing Thursday night and woke up Friday feeling almost myself. Yay!!! Still got a little breathing thing, not shortness of breath but the feeling that I can't take a super deep breath. But I can take a deep breath, it's hard to explain. I do cough when I take a deep breath and that's annoying. But other than that I