
Showing posts from December 3, 2023

Illness - this sucks

 In October when Hubby went to SF for a game, I got sick. He left on Friday and after dropping him at the airport, I came home and laid on the couch all day feeling like crap. I was sick the whole weekend and only started feeling better on Tuesday when he came home. Tuesday was the first day I left the house all weekend.  Since then I haven't felt my best. For almost 9 weeks I would have ups and downs. Feeling really good one day, and be so tired the next I could barely drive home from work. I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me. Then, the Friday before last, I got a head cold. It really didn't seem like anything bad. I was congested and blowing my nose a lot, but otherwise I seemed to feel fine. I didn't workout because of the whole breathing thing, but really otherwise I felt fine. The head cold lasted over the weekend and I woke on Tuesday feeling great. I thought yay! I have finally kicked this cold. Boy, was I wrong. By Wednesday morning I felt like utter cr