
Showing posts from October 29, 2023

Challenge Accepted

 6 weeks ago I start a nutrition challenge at the gym I go to. They gave us a list of things to eat and told us how much to eat at each meal. Then we put together our own meals out of the things we liked. I weighed in today and here's how the numbers broke down:  Weight lost:   5.8 lbs Fat Lost:        .8% Inches off arm:     1.5 Inches off waist:  7.5 Inches off chest:  4 Inches off hips:    4 Total inches lost:  17 That's freaking amazing. Freaking. Amazing. I was sick for a week and did not go to the gym at all and my workouts were nonexistent. In spite of that, I still lost all this. It also shows that losing weight is not that hard. Some things I learned along the way.  1. I don't eat enough. There are days when I just don't eat enough food. That will definitely cause me to gain weight as my body will hold onto whatever I do give it. So I need to make sure that I eat enough.  2. I don't eat enough protein. Even when I tried really, really hard to get all my pro