
Showing posts from October 22, 2023

A bit of introspection

 I dance with depression. I had it for a long, long time years ago. Going back through this blog I find places where depression really took hold and I can see it in what I wrote. The first time I realized I had been depressed, I was shocked. I did not seem like the type of person who would get depressed. But I did. And I was in it for a long, long time before I recognized it and was able to deal with it. Since then I've gotten better and better at seeing it coming. I can usually recognize it pretty quickly, within a couple of days, and then deal with it. Well, today I felt it coming on. This is probably the earliest I've ever noticed it, but it was starting. So I started thinking about what could be causing it, and I've come up with a few things.  First, my sister in law and her new husband are coming to visit tomorrow. I'm not a huge fan of this sister for a lot of reasons. Also, she contacted him very last minute and it very much felt like an after thought. She made p

Making progress on my goals

 So one of my goals is that I workout consistently and I start weight training. Well, I've done that this week. I went to the gym on Monday and Wednesday, while Tuesday night I went the strength session. So now it's Friday and I'm sore as heck. I have another visit to the gym on the books for this morning and I'm trying to decide if I should wait until this afternoon. Hubby will be off playing golf so that's not a problem and maybe through the day my soreness will decrease. I don't know what to do exactly. I do know that I need to go to the chiro today so I'm going to schedule that.  As for other things, I have something on my mind and I can't quite work it out. I have the opportunity to do a dog show in 2 weeks that has the potential to make me a lot of money. A. Lot. Of. Money. It's in Scottsdale at one of the busiest places in general and they are adding dog events to it. Now dog people are crazy and will spend stupid amounts of money on their dog

Making plans

 So I've been working on my goals and trying to break them down into smaller steps. I have lofty goals that are not very clear. I want my business to be successful. Vague. I want to be healthy. Vague. So I've been working on trying to be more specific and outline what these things mean to me. In my last post I pretty well got the successful business and health detailed out. My next goal is to work on my social media presence. I'm not great at this because I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Being forced to now play their games is annoying and painful at times. But if I want to be successful in this day and age I have to do it. So, I have a goal. Facebook allows me to make goals to increase my reach and followers. So for the next 28 days I'm going to work on increasing my reach. Once I reach that goal, then I'm going to set a followers goal and work on that. This is definitely not something that will happen quickly, it is a long game. I just have to st