
Showing posts from October 8, 2023

On the mend

 definitely feeling much, much better. Still not 100%. Nose is a little stuffy and the cough happens every once in a while, but so much better. Yesterday I stayed up all day, no laying on the couch. This morning I feel pretty good too. I would very much like to try to workout today, I will just have to see how the day goes and how I feel. I don't want to be working out and suddenly start coughing and scare people. That would be bad.  In other news, I find myself slipping into old habits again. I'm thinking it might be due to being sick and not feeling myself, but I'm not so sure. As I sit here at my desk, there is mail piled up from being unopened. There are a pile of things unfiled on my little file box. My planner is no where in sight, I haven't even taken it out of my bag. Ugh!!!! I don't like when I get like this. This is old mindset, old habits, old patterns. I want to be someone who faces things head on and doesn't play games with them. I have two bills fr

A weekend alone

 and I'm sick. This sucks big time. I had such big plans for this weekend and this break. Now, I've spent the last 2 days just laying around because I feel so crappy.  I started this last night and then just did not have the energy to finish it. So yes, I've been sick for 2 days. Friday after dropping Hubby at the airport, I came home and basically spent the day on the couch. I had no energy, was completely exhausted and my head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. My stomach was hot and sour due to me not eating much during the day. So around 4pm I ordered this bowl from a place. This bowl had yogurt, almond milk, fruit, and granola. It was absolutely amazing and something that I could get down and keep down. That made me feel better. Took some Nyquil and went to bed rather early. Yesterday, Saturday, was not a whole lot different. I woke up, finished the bowl from the night before, and then spent most of the day on the couch. I did order a big sandwich from Mr. Pickles a