
Showing posts from September 24, 2023

Deep Thoughts

 I had some thoughts during our trip and want to dive into them a little more.  I thought about myself and my attitude toward people. I am a true introvert. Being around people, though I may enjoy it, is so draining on me. I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with Hubby 24/7 and I spent Saturday with a bunch of people I barely knew. Having no time to myself to reenergize, I was completely exhausted all week. I've realized that I need time by myself. Yesterday I worked on my marketing class for a bit, but then I was on the couch all day, watching TV. Hubby was outside. I didn't have to interact much. By late afternoon I felt like myself again. I needed that alone, downtime to recalibrate my mental self. So yeah, I need time alone in order to be myself. I was so drained of energy, I had the hardest time getting through the week. So yeah, it's super important that I get that downtime. I need to keep that in mind whenever we travel. I need to schedule some downtime for

Hello, it's been a while

 So much has happened in the last 11 days, I'm not sure where exactly to start.  The last post had me in a pretty good place. I was feeling good about workouts, school, and just about everything. Well, the wheels fell off that bus.  The week was good, but not great. I got some workouts in on Wednesday and Thursday. Classes went fairly well. The hardest part was planning for a sub for Monday. It just takes so much time and effort to plan for a sub. There has to be things to do but it can't be too complicated so the sub can handle it. But I got it done.  Then came the weekend and the road trip.  Up early Friday and we hit the road by 6:30 am. Made good time until we hit the grapevine where we ran into an accident and were stuck there for about 2 hours. After that, we zoomed through to Sacramento and got there around 8:30 pm.  Luckily we did not have to get up early the next day, so we lounged around the hotel room and left around 9am. We dropped Mavy off at Petsmart for day care.