
Showing posts from September 3, 2023

Another week down

 And it was a good week. I ended up going to the gym 3 days - woot, woot. I had thought I'd go more, but I decided that I didn't want to push it too far too fast. I wanted to go today, Saturday, but we have friends coming over and errands to run before they get here so it's really too busy. But I'm going to make it a rule that if nothing else is going on, I go to the gym. I'm feeling good. My energy levels are definitely increasing and I love all of this. I want to keep it up.  Yesterday I wrote about my trials and tribulations at school. I can't help but wonder if the mental fatigue that comes from struggling so much with that is partially what is dragging me down. It definitely doesn't help. I would come home so mentally exhausted that I really couldn't do anything but lay on the couch and play stupid games. So that's what I did. Coming to grips with the issue has helped ease my mind and get me into a better place mentally.  Other than that, things

Day 5 of a 5 day weekend

 I love these little mini vacations we get. We get off Monday and Tuesday for Monday holidays - yes!!! Love that. And I needed it badly, but I'm going to cover that on the other blog.  So yesterday I went to the gym and did the workout. It was the first workout that I did not want to quit in the middle of. I took it a little slower and paced myself. That doesn't mean I didn't work hard, I did. But I dialed it back just a touch and made it through the whole workout. I was extremely proud of myself. Not only for completing the workout but for having the good sense to dial it back a bit. I'm not young, I don't need to kill myself every workout. I need to get a good workout in but the level that I workout is up to me.  Okay, the folks who are working on our pool just arrived. They will be laying the pebble tech and I'm so excited. More later.  Update:  So they are doing the pool and it is looking amazing. It is going to be awesome when it's done. So I went to th

Self Care

 Self care came up this morning in my head. When I was with DMSC all I thought about was self-care. Or at least it seemed that way. But since I left them, it hasn't really come up much. Now, that does not mean I've not been practicing self care, I think it's becoming more of a habit. Let's look at this.  I still meditate every morning. Okay, I've missed a few here and there for various reasons, but almost every morning I get in some meditation.  I don't beat myself up mentally for things. I have been ruminating some recently, but I work on getting rid of the rumination as soon as I spot it. Other things have popped up and I work on them as soon as they appear. What I don't do is spend a whole week looking for something. I try to deal with things as they come up.  Sleep is great. I make that a priority all the time. I'm in bed by 8pm at the latest and during school days I'm up at 4:15am, but on the weekends I'm up by 5am. Not that much difference