
Showing posts from August 13, 2023

A hodge podge of thoughts

 It's been about a week since I posted and things have happened.  So I have been trying to shift my focus and not be so concerned with how long I get to relax between when I get home or when I go to bed. It is just ridiculous to focus on that and to be upset that I don't get to sit on my butt for hours at a time. So I've been working on shifting my focus. At the same time I'm limiting what I do at night. So I don't get involved in my crafting because that will keep me up for hours. I just focus really on family time. I swim with Hubby, I hang out with the dog, we eat dinner, and then watch a show. By then it is usually 7 or 8 and it's time for bed. Since I do place a high value on sleep, I have no problem going to bed then. Hey, I'm a work in progress.  Last week I ended up not going to the gym again. My back was tweaking and I did not make time to go to the chiropractor. So that meant no gym. I did however jump right back in on Monday and I went again on We