
Showing posts from August 6, 2023

And here we are 3 weeks later

 So I started FitBody Bootcamp 3 weeks ago and it's been good. I like the short, 30 minute workouts. They are short but tough. I find myself being able to do things that I wasn't able to do just 3 weeks ago. I found myself really taking it easy in the workouts initially. I was so afraid of hurting myself. But on Monday I pushed myself a bit and it felt good. In an interesting turn of events, I get sore during the workouts but then the soreness doesn't really stay around. I have been getting in the pool as soon as I get home from a workout and maybe that is helping? Maybe I'm not working as hard as I think I am? I don't know. What I do know is that every time I felt a little muscle soreness, it was gone by the next morning. Maybe muscle memory?  I went on Monday but I did not go on Wednesday. My back was tweaking a little bit and I just didn't want to push it. Plus, I was tired. So very, very tired. I thought about going yesterday but again - tired. So I came str