
Showing posts from July 9, 2023

Definitely getting better

 I believe the human body, like most people, try to resist change. If you've been a very active person and are suddenly forced to stop, you get all kinds of aches and pains as your body protests the lack of movement. The opposite is also true, if you are an inactive person and suddenly increase your activity, you get all kinds of aches and pains as your body protests this new movement. And I honestly believe that is what is happening to me. Yesterday my legs felt great, today they are tired and heavy and achy. Also, today  I am without coffee because of some blood tests this morning. So that is a possible cause also. Plus it's about 4,000 degrees outside at 5 am. UGH!!!! Because of the lack of coffee and the extreme tiredness and heaviness in my legs, I think I'm going to skip BODi today. The program is only 5 days a week anyway, so I need to take 2 off. I think today is good. Maybe I will take today off from that and Supernatural. Maybe today will be a rest day. I did go f

Moving along

 Sunday ended up being a very good day. I had put off starting my workouts long enough and so I jumped right in on Sunday. I got up, walked Mavy, and then walked the canal by myself. Now my knee was killing me. Killing. Me. I'm not sure how to explain how it felt. It felt unstable and creaky. It hurt but it wasn't like sharp pain it was more like a dull ache. I chose, right or wrong, to ignore it and go about the activity I had planned. So I walked the canal. A little later in the morning I did a short Supernatural workout. I did modify Supernatural to only face forward so I wasn't twisting my knees. That worked but it was still difficult and my knees let me know they didn't like it. Then we lazed around in the pool for a while and I laid in my sleepy chair and read for a fairly long time. In the afternoon I came in and did a workout with weights. I got a dumbbell workout book and I did the first routine in that. It was good and really not that hard. Didn't seem to