
Showing posts from July 2, 2023

Now home

 We got home on Thursday night. While I still am very motivated to workout and to stop feeling like crap, I haven't started yet and it is Saturday. We came home on Thursday night to a complete disaster with our pool and back yard. The people had come and put in our new patio floor and cool deck and my god, the yard and pool was a complete disaster. The pool ended up having to be drained, cleaned, and refilled. It took all day yesterday to drain and clean it. It required us to actually go down in the pool as it drained and wash all the stuff down. We also scooped up the crap and took it out in buckets. It was an all day thing. Then getting into the deep end was quite a challenge. That deep end is quite steep. Getting down there and out of there was fun. Thankfully, Hubby tied a rope to the patio post and we could use that to help us up and down. I went down there during the end because Hubby was hurting. I finished it up and headed out of the pool when I felt suddenly dizzy and naus

Decisions were made

 So during this great road trip I have come to some decisions. I have got to take better care of myself. I just have to. Now that my eye surgery is over, I have no reason to not workout. We get back on Friday and I will start working out on Saturday. I'm going to do weights and Supernatural. I have a good 2 1/2 weeks to build up a habit and get myself in shape to workout regularly during the school year. The plan is to work out every day except for one - that will be my rest day. Supernatural will happen 6 days a week and weights will happen 3 or 4 days a week. The plan in my head is to do weights in the morning and Supernatural in the afternoon. I want to do at least 30 minutes of Supernatural every day. I also may switch it around, Supernatural in the morning and weights in the afternoon, but it's happening. I want to do weights every other day which is completely doable as long as I push myself to do it. So when we return there will be no excuses accepted. I will workout eve

Day 5 of the great road trip of 2023

 Here I sit in Island Park, ID drinking coffee and documenting the trip. Yesterday was the first day in Yellowstone and it did not disappoint. The drive into the park is absolutely beautiful along the Madison River. We ran into some really slow traffic and discovered it was because of bison snoozing near the road.  Then as we are driving along, we see tons of steam. We are thinking we are getting near Old Faithful. The problem was it was packed. The parking lots were jammed and there was line to get in. People were parking by the side of the road and walking. Far. We knew that Mavy could not walk that far on the hot pavement. So I took pictures from the car and we kind of resigned ourselves to the fact that we might not get to see Old Faithful. Then we are driving down the road and there was no one else around when we saw a sign that said Old Faithful. Huh? So we followed it. It led us to a parking lot near Old Faithful. So we found a parking spot and hung out until it blew. It was ama