
Showing posts from June 25, 2023

Day 2 of the great road trip of 2023

 We are currently in a hotel room in Scipio, UT resting for the night. Last night we stayed in Page, AZ and tomorrow night we will be in Island Park, ID. It's been an interesting trip so far. Let's recap.  We left home around 9:30 am on Friday morning. We stopped for lunch in Flagstaff. We bought some Sonoran hot dogs and found a nice little park to eat in. Then continued on to Page and stopped for the night. We got there around 3:30ish - I'm not 100% sure because it was on the Navajo nation and they do daylight savings time so my watch said one thing and their clock said another thing - it was crazy. Our room was on the second floor and getting Mavy up there was a challenge. The stairs were the kind with holes in between the steps and he was afraid of them - don't blame him. Then discovered he was not a fan of the elevator either. So that was fun. Also, he did his normal not peeing for 14 hours. So that meant I took him up and down the elevator about 5 times during the

Some enlightenment

 Since my last post some things have come to light for me. I walked the canal that day and was in agony with my knee the rest of the day. So I really haven't walked the canal again until today. The knee got so bad, I finally went to the Good Feet Store on Sunday and had my insoles checked out. They were bad. The ones I use most often anyway. So I got new ones and things have been considerably better since then. Still not perfect but that is likely due to the fact that I sit so much right now. Today I did walk the canal and it felt pretty good. Knee is a little tweaky but I'm confident it will be okay.  I have been working on school work and you can read about that over on that blog, but I haven't been able to completely shake the lethargy. I still can't workout and won't be able to until we return from our trip next week. That's okay, because I will be doing things and seeing things and it will be interesting. When we return I plan on diving right into the worko