
Showing posts from June 11, 2023

Quick knee update

 On Tuesday night I decided to start my hip opening stretches again. I had an inkling that the problem was my back/hips and not the knees at all. It just struck me weird that both knees were having the same problem. Anyway, so Tuesday night I did my stretches. Yesterday my knees felt damn good all day. I slept in until 6am and didn't go into school, but man my knees felt good. So last night is did my stretches again. Woke this morning and the knees felt pretty damn good again. Put my shoes on to walk Mavy and the knees started acting up. Initially I thought it was the shoes? Or maybe the insoles? But I walked Mavy with little pain so decided to do my canal walk. Before I left I did standing pigeon pose to stretch the hips/back. Headed out on my walk and started to feel a little pain and discomfort in the knee. Then I started paying attention to what my feet were doing. I found that if I walked like a normal person, with the feet somewhat straight, I had no real pain. Hmmm....could

Knee issues

 and I'm not exactly sure what is going on.  Timeline:  Around June 4th I started walking the canal by myself. Mavy didn't want to, so I would walk him and then take a walk by myself. I did the normal walk for a few times and then decided that I would walk the entire canal from McClintock to Rural. I believe that's when the knee issues really started. Both knees feel very swollen and creaky. Now the fact that it's both knees give me a really good indication that it's not the knees at all. Most likely it's my back. Or my hips. I'm really leaning towards my hips. When I walk, if I stop and do a standing pigeon stretch on something, it definitely helps. So I'm thinking it's time to start my hip stretching again. I finished the 21 days and then stopped (not sure why) and I believe that I'm tightening up from not working so much.  Okay, just had to think through this a bit before I went on with my day.