Back to our regularly scheduled program
This is the post about health and fitness. I had my right eye surgery a week and a half ago. The instructions say not to workout for 2 weeks. Now by workout I'm fairly sure they mean push so hard you are sweating and create an inordinate amount of pressure in your eye. I don't want to do that, at least not yet, but I do need to move some. I'm definitely walking the canal today and I'm thinking of doing some small upper body exercises; dumbbells curls, shoulder presses, overhead extensions, etc. Nothing where I strain myself but just to move some. I would work my lower body but I think that will cause more pressure. So a few upper body movements a day should help some. Exercise or working out, is not only for what it does for my body but what it does for my mind. If I work out in the mornings, I tend to eat better and take better care of myself the rest of the day. As soon as I fall into sloth mode, which I've been in for a week and a half, my eating goes to crap....