
Showing posts from June 4, 2023

Back to our regularly scheduled program

 This is the post about health and fitness.  I had my right eye surgery a week and a half ago. The instructions say not to workout for 2 weeks. Now by workout I'm fairly sure they mean push so hard you are sweating and create an inordinate amount of pressure in your eye. I don't want to do that, at least not yet, but I do need to move some. I'm definitely walking the canal today and I'm thinking of doing some small upper body exercises; dumbbells curls, shoulder presses, overhead extensions, etc. Nothing where I strain myself but just to move some. I would work my lower body but I think that will cause more pressure. So a few upper body movements a day should help some.  Exercise or working out, is not only for what it does for my body but what it does for my mind. If I work out in the mornings, I tend to eat better and take better care of myself the rest of the day. As soon as I fall into sloth mode, which I've been in for a week and a half, my eating goes to crap.


 that stands for next of kin box. This is something I purchased a while ago, quite a while ago, and just started organizing yesterday. This is a box that contains all the necessary information that your next of kin will need when you pass away. I love this. I love that the kids will not have to spend days trying to figure everything out. But at the same time it's kind of sobering to really face the fact that we could  will die. Intellectually I know we will die and I try to keep Memento Mori in my mind, but emotionally I feel like it will be a while before that happens. And I'm hoping it will, but we are up there and it is always a possibility. So I started getting it ready yesterday. I got all the folders set up and the papers put in the folders, now it's just a matter of filling out all the papers and organizing my life. It also brought up some things  we need, like a will, financial power of attorney, medical power of attorney, etc. These things need to be in place so th


 as in my fingers and my arms are swollen. I'm not sure why exactly. I did spend a lot of time in the pool yesterday and I did not drink a lot of water while in there so that could be the culprit. But I'm just not positive. I do know that I will be drinking a ton of water today to get rid of this swelling or inflammation or whatever it is. I'm done with it.  In other news, I walked the canal by myself again. I am determined to get at least 7500 steps in every single day and to help that I plan on walking the canal every day. My plan was to take Mavy with me since he needs the exercise too. Yesterday he walked around the cul-de-sac and then pulled me straight home. So I left him and walked the canal alone. He did the same thing today. So I walked the canal alone, again. Yesterday it was hard to walk it. I was walking slow and my right hip and knee hurt. It was not that fun. Today was much, much better. I did stop at the electrical box on the canal and stretch a little, that

Knee pain

 All this sitting and laying around has caused knee pain. My right knee - that's my historically bad one - is swollen and achy. Also my back hurts. These are all clear indications that I am not moving enough. I need to move more. I need to get some exercise of some type in. So I walked the canal this morning. Mavy could not be convinced to walk out of the cul-de-sac, so I left him home and walked the canal. It was a bit uncomfortable. My knee was a little achy and feels swollen. My back was achy and uncomfortable. But I did it. I wasn't in any actual pain, just high levels of discomfort. So I did it. It felt good. I came home and folded the laundry from yesterday. On my feet. For an additional 41 minutes (I know this because I was listening to a podcast). It was incredibly uncomfortable. Still is even though I'm now sitting down and resting my legs. My legs have that heavy, kind of vibrating feeling that indicates I've used them too much. Bullsh*t. I call Bullsh*t. I lo