
Showing posts from May 28, 2023

We have been out of school exactly one week

 and I have reached my boredom level. That's not good. Of course, one of the main reasons I've reached my boredom level so quickly is that I cannot exercise. I had my first  cataract surgery on Tuesday and I can't really exercise for 2 weeks. So that makes things much, much more boring. I feel like a sloth. I've been laying around, taking an excessive amount of naps, hanging in the pool (because I can't get my eye wet), and generally doing a whole lot of nothing. UGH!!!!! I'm over it. I need to keep busy. I've been doing some school work, but my heart is not in that. Yet. I've been cutting things on my laser and I did get some new spray paint, so I will be doing that today. I have been walking Mavy, it's about the only exercise I can get. I'm thinking of walking in the afternoons too. It has not been that hot, maybe too hot for Mavy, but not for me.  Okay, that was a lot of brain vomit as I cleared my head. I need to figure out things to do to ke


 that's what I'm doing. I'm avoiding things I don't want to do or I don't know how to do or that I will not be successful at. Avoidance. It can be hard to spot when you are doing things that are important. For example, I've been working on schoolwork. That's important. I need to it to be ready for next year. But I've been doing it to avoid facing the website and marketing work that I need to do and I don't really know how to do. I have been doing this for a few days now. For me, the major hurdle is to know what is happening. Now I know. So now I can quit avoiding and get something done. Time to make a concrete plan.  Tomorrow I will face my fears and deal with my website and marketing. 

Doing good so far

 Yesterday was the first eye surgery and it was quick and went well. The worst problem I had was that the post-op instructions said to not sleep on the side of your surgery. Since I had the right eye done and I'm a right side sleeper, that was a problem. I didn't get a very good night's sleep.  I went to the doctor today for a post-op check up and he said it all looks good. He also said that I can sleep on my right side as long as I wear the eye patch. Done. I could not get over how good my vision is already and it will improve as the days progress. I don't really need to wear my glasses, but the unfixed eye gets tired and feels strained, so I do. But the eyesight is amazing. I can't wait until they are both done and healed up.  But that is not the reason for this post, the reason is that I want to do a little digging and figure out how to use my new journal. I got it a few weeks ago and saved it for tomorrow, June 1st. Now I want to put a little thought into exactl

Today is the day

 my first eye surgery.  Can't say I'm not a little nervous about it. It will be freaky having someone cut into my eye. But the outcome will be worth the nervousness.  In other news.... I've switched my chemistry from Patterns to iHub. After much examination and analysis, I have decided that I like iHub better. Also, I like their phenomena. The first unit starts with the search for extraterrestrial life. How cool is that? So I need to work on getting everything set up and ready to go. I've been doing that a bit, I just need to figure out a plan and then stick with it. That is my biggest problem. I go to do something and then, at the last minute, switch things up. I hate that about myself and I'm bound and determined not to do it this year. I'm going to get things laid out and then I'm sticking with the program. I also find that I have a hesitancy to put things down on paper. For example, I want to do the notebooks with chemistry but I find that I don't wa