
Showing posts from May 14, 2023

It's the final weeks

 and I have not had the energy to really workout much. It kind of comes with this time of year and I just have to give myself some grace. Of course, I won't get a lot of workouts done in June either because I'm having cataract surgery in both eyes. And July we are going on vacation. So my summer of working out and getting fit may not play out as planned. But you know what? That's okay. I'm going to do what I can, when I can and I'm not going to beat myself up or agonize over it. It is what it is.  I did get some cool new weights yesterday though. They are the Bowflex adjustable weights. I've wanted these forever. I was thinking about quitting the gym, but I will use these to get started and then when I don't have time to get to the gym. I am determined to make working out a regular, consistent, part of my life so I need to make sure I make it as easy as possible.  We have to run to school this morning. Hubby has to meet some people and I need to get my final

Working through the why

 I know that in order to be successful at self care I have to have a solid why in place. I have to know exactly why I want to do this and I have to really and truly believe it. So I'm going to try and answer some of those questions here.  1. What would my life look like if I incorporated healthy eating in to my life for the next 30 days?      This is sort of easy because I do know. I already eat pretty well, not perfect, but well. So eating healthy for 30 days will do a number of things. First, I won't feel so full after a meal and won't feel it necessary to nap. Second, I will have more energy because I will be giving my body the fuel it needs. Third, I know that I'll feel better mentally and physically. I will want to move more. I will want to actually do things. I also have a clearer mind when I eat well. My brain gets the food it needs to function at top efficiency. My brain will be clearer and sharper and I will be able to process things easier.  2. What sort of ri