
Showing posts from April 30, 2023

Getting a little stressed

 I like to pride myself  on the fact that I don't let stressors get to me, but the fact of the matter is that I do sometimes. This is one of those times. I have a few things on my plate that are either time sensitive or time consuming and they are getting to me. So this is an effort to deal with them. Remove the stress and just deal with the stressors.  First, there is the graduation program. One of the scholars wants a name change that may or may not have gone through the system and there is debate about whether he gets it or not.  Second, one of my students has been working on a science distinction award for the last few years, but pretty much dropped the ball when it came to the research part. She has done some research, just not very much. She is also supposed to present her research to the department and hasn't done that. But she is bugging me about the distinction. So, what do I do about that?  These two things are hanging up the program and I need to get them resolved to

Last fair

 Yesterday was the last craft fair before summer hits hard. It was hot. Really. Really. Hot. It was also long -6 hours - and late.  I have some thoughts about this that I need to get out.  First, we broke even basically. So it was a long, hot day that took an excessive amount of time to prep for and we broke even. Is it worth it? I seemed to have a lot of interest in custom stuff, but I've had that kind of interest before and nothing has come of it. So we shall see how this one plays out. But the bottom line is, is it worth it? I spent $200 to get into this event. I spent Friday, and the weeks before, getting inventory ready for this event. We packed up the car, drove over there at noon, set up, sat around until 10pm, packed up and drove home all to break even? In my mind that just does not make sense. While it would be harder, I could devote my time to the website and marketing and build up a client base there. I hate to base these decisions on 3 events. I'm thinking of doing