
Showing posts from April 16, 2023

I quit

 DMSC. Again. And for good this time.  I've been thinking about it for a while now and I just finally up and did it. There were lots of reasons behind it but I guess it really comes down to the fact that he just doesn't ring true with me anymore. I don't know exactly why. But I think the bottom line is that I'm moving in a different direction at this point in time. I feel like I've gotten everything out of DMSC that I could and it's now time to strike out on my own. I know what I need to do. I know what I need to work on and watch out for. I know the direction I want to take in my life. And he and I just disagree on some things.  Had a meeting with my doc yesterday about my blood pressure. It is down but not down enough. I was faced with a choice of working more on my lifestyle; exercise and diet; or upping the medication. I chose to work on lifestyle for 2 months and see if there is any improvement. That means I need to step this up some.  For food, I've be

Head Cold

 Well, I spent the week sick. On Wednesday I was really not well enough to go to school, but due to sickness and/or field trips, there were just no subs available. So I went in and struggled through. It was fine. The kids were really amazing. I told them I was sick and they were just spot on both days. That made things manageable. Also, it was only 2 days, so I was able to struggle through.  This head cold was fairly miserable. I was stuffed up and had trouble breathing for about 3 days. Sleeping was difficult for about 3 nights. I could basically only sleep on one side because every time I rolled over my nose would plug up and I couldn't breathe. That was miserable. Last night, for the first time since Monday, I could breathe while I slept and I could turn over and not wake up. That was amazing. Still a little stuffy this morning, but definitely feeling better than I've felt all week.  This weekend I have got to get some structure in this room. Things are in process all over t

Weekend Recap

 What a weekend it has been. It all started on Friday with an appointment with the eye surgeon. The cataracts are pretty severe and he recommends that I get them out as soon as possible. The good news is that I will be able to get new lenses that don't require me to wear glasses. Do you know how exciting that is? I was 9 or 10 when I got my first pair of glasses. I wore contacts for years, but glasses have been in my life for 50 years or so. Time to ditch them. So we are going to schedule the surgery. They do one eye and then 2 weeks later they do the other eye. I'm hoping to get it scheduled in June so that I am all healed and ready to roll for our road trip in July.  Towards the end of Friday I started to feel like my sinuses were acting up. I felt a bit of a head cold coming on and I was not happy about it.  Saturday morning around 9 am we headed out for San Diego. It was a long trip and we made a bunch of stops along the way for Mavy and us. We stopped at a brewery in Yuma