
Showing posts from April 9, 2023

Am I fooling myself?

 Back in March I signed up for DMSC again. I felt that I was missing some stuff and thought that by going back I would find the piece I was missing. Since then, I have not really done any of the weekly assignments. I have not completed the Weakless Challenge. I don't do much of what he espouses that we should do every day. So before I head off to the gym, let me take a little deeper dive into why.  He talks a lot about how his learning Spanish is analogous to us doing self care. I don't buy that, I never have and I never will. Let me explain. When you are learning a new language, or anything new like my laser, you get instant feedback. If you say something wrong, you know immediately. If you can't think of the word, you know immediately. Also, your progress can be measured almost daily. Sure there may be days when you don't seem to be making any progress, but then suddenly something will click and you will make huge leaps forward. Yes, things like that happen with self